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Happy Late Thanksgiving present! Just kidding, but seriously, sorry for forgetting to upload this on Saturday. It's been sitting on my MEGA cloud store since then. Anyway, here it is! 


Goblin Slayer Episode 8 Reaction

Anriku's Reaction to Goblin Slayer Episode 8!



About the Resurection Spell: -The spell bring back people on the verge of death and NOT already died people. Besides from the Fact, that they must share a Bed completly Naked, there is no Sex or other Things between them. Such things would ruin the Spell completly ( thats why its rarely used by Adventurer, mostly Males, since there is the Danger, that they attack and Rape the Virgin Priest) -its rarely used since the conditions required are hard. -the conditions to use that spell are: 1-you need a high level priest that learned the spell 2-it can only be used in a temple or a holy place 3-you need a virgin girl willing to sleep next to u (since adventures have a bad reputation and since it can ruin a girls reputation its hard to do) 4-its very expensive


Goblin Slayers Master is a Rhea, we already saw 1 in EPisode 5, this little Idiot who got cocky and lost his Rank ( Rhea are something like the Hobbits from Lord of the Rings). Goblin Slayer was trained 5 Years under him in a absolut brutal way, thanks to that he is the Person we know. The Rhea himself was a Burglar, so he is just called " Burglar" in the Light Novel. Burglar was the one who saved Goblin Slayer's life when he was still a boy, bringing him back to a cave where he was trained to what he is today. He taught him basic combat, assassination, scout and everything related to mass murder of an entire nest. He also taught him to be a solo type player and independent person which Goblin Slayer cited that he didn't teach him to become a party member. Burglar was mentioned to be more sophisticated and loved to recite poem and riddles whenever he gave him a hellish training just to make the boy more stronger to stand alone in any situation which he succeed. Burglas Personality Burglar acts in a demented and cruel manner, subjecting a young Goblin Slayer to brutal training not unlike torture. Despite his superficial lack of sanity, he rescued the young boy and spent years training Goblin Slayer's mind and body in order to become strong enough to kill goblins on his own. His misconducts aside, Burglar had help Goblin Slayer all without anything in return, demonstrating a capacity for sympathy and kindness.