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honestly if you have a better title please tell.

HAY its done! I'm proud to present Shygal getting BIG! Growth by a magical tv has never looked so good. I think.

I took the liberty of adding some sound, mainly music, as dead air sucks. this is of course not the full sound and ill add all the goodness in due time.**
I had a lot of fun and also other things with this project and am planning on making a part2 but when the time comes ill throw up a poll and you guys can vote on the next animation, weather that be part 2 to this, something else, or even something new? so look out for that.

**one small note, If the video is really laggy, like 10 fps. tell me that aswell as Im currently not home and am in-fact on a remote connection to my pc. the video after adding some sound seemed laggy but I chocked it up to the remote and not the video.

The man was just trying to watch some TV...


RavenKing GTS

for what ever reason when I made blender format the image sequence to video it put two sections next to eachother? happens at 1 min. might reupload to fix. Like how. the images are numbered correctly too and blender just perfectly fucked it up? how did I miss this? well after looking a project for months it gets old watching it over and over again lol. (edit) Fixed.


Lol I love how the guy like wtf is going on I'm watching my show here xD *increase volume*


This brilliant great job on the growth really well done I’m a amazed how big and how much she filled the rooms