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its a working title ok.

hello growing friends. done with the sound for the most part. have to go back and fix some animation stuff as somehow that has broke. well if broke is that i made it like that that is.
you guys will have to tell me what you think. im happy with it over all but tracer.... her voice is hard to work with lmao. so annoying..

also the song is just something I threw in to not have silence while i worked on it and it slowly grew on me but like what you guys think? also in my mind the growth stuff is suppose to be a turn on and all sexy stuff yet so far I've used elevator music from the Stanly parable and this music is suppose to be for comedy...hmmm.


Dwayne Jarrell

Wah? Is it cau'she bri'ish? Lmao! I find her voice to be quite lovely. XD May have been tough to find, but good soundboarding :) The visuals are always a pleasure to see. Love your quality and use of characters. Choosing more realistic than say cartoony designs. Always happy to see that. And her ass does not quite!! If she needs a place to sit, I know a face that's always willing. Lol Mighty fine job doing her arse justice!! Thank you for the divine meal you have given us today!


Any updates on that other Spider animation you were making? I kinda forgot about it cause it had been so long.

RavenKing GTS

if you haven't seen my WIP Tracer growth post I did a update there. so read that first. id like to get back to it and will post another WIP on it once I figure out a solution to my problem but time is such a scarce resource for me. just got back home from a 5 day work trip, always fun those. notreallylol. but ill be back and making stuff again here and hopefully will little luck ill finally get it all working.


Ahh, mkay I went and read it, I didn't read it initially cause I went straight for the finished product instead of the WIP lol. I wouldn't mind seeing everything thats there despite the problems like you had said in that post. But thats up to you.