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She always seems to be looking down at people.

this one was fun. got to play with botaniq (the trees n stuff) and true sky (...the sky) makes realistic skies clouds and light but i quickly realized i hated the real lighting... so i turned that off. and the clouds just.. kind weren't working and just stopped working all together halfway though the render so i only ended up using the sky part lol. so i had to re-add the clouds from city gen and found that they are shit too. like its just cubes of cloud and its really noticable but only at certain angles. so I need to rotate the clouds every camera angle. will need to make my own or find better ones in the future.
also the white specs in the 3rd or 4th image are a cycles denoise glitch but I thought they looked nice to I didn't change it. kinda kool i guess.




Dwayne Jarrell

Yugi!!! You cant even score Tea! Let alone someone even taller than her. Trade with me, Yugi! It will be my destiny to d-d-date the lovely Celty in your place!! XD Silly joke aside, holy hell King!! These turned out amazing!! So many fun renders for us to feast upon! You humble us!