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ive been done with my animation for a couple days now but like. a minute per frame because shoot me i decided to do it cycles. and there is 10 thousand frames of growth n shit. im excited that its done but all just kinda staring at the screen like. this is awkward.

but while thats happening what do you guys want to see next? I got ideas plenty but what u thinking. you can say specific people but realize Im bound by what models I have and can get so keep it so it works with anyone. or you could tell me what you had for brekfeist >.>


Dwayne Jarrell

As I'm a night owl with a night job, I broke my fast with pizza :3 lol. So called breakfast isn't too common in my home. Though I love bacon and pancakes!! As far as video or character ideas, go, what about an indoor pool growth/expansion/personal preference with other famed Over Watch characters?

RavenKing GTS (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 10:41:37 same, breakfast just doesn't happen lol. I do miss having my morning bowl of cereal. you all ways get exactly how much you want and there is no prep. something about it. more overwatch? Im making Kiriko big in the hallway of the her cinematic. Tight spaces. indoor pool? like the Pharah one? I would like to do something with high quality water. all the stuff I've done the water has been shit lmao. maybe get more then one girl this time (>.>)
2023-08-08 09:18:25 same, breakfast just doesn't happen lol. I do miss having my morning bowl of cereal. you all ways get exactly how much you want and there is no prep. something about it. more overwatch? Im making Kiriko big in the hallway of the her cinematic. Tight spaces. indoor pool? like the Pharah one? I would like to do something with high quality water. all the stuff I've done the water has been shit lmao. maybe get more then one girl this time (>.>)

same, breakfast just doesn't happen lol. I do miss having my morning bowl of cereal. you all ways get exactly how much you want and there is no prep. something about it. more overwatch? Im making Kiriko big in the hallway of the her cinematic. Tight spaces. indoor pool? like the Pharah one? I would like to do something with high quality water. all the stuff I've done the water has been shit lmao. maybe get more then one girl this time (>.>)

Dwayne Jarrell

Right? I don't even eat cereal like a normal human anymore. All of it. Dry. In a tall cup. Save only one. Rice Crispies. But a Kiriko growth is in the works? I'm all for it!! Especially your pool party idea. Can't wait to see who might invite to that event :3 very excited!!