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Testing out some breast physics and some fast water simulations. these are stills but there are 2 small animations in the works, the elevator ill Post very soon, prob some time this week end or sooner. the other one some time after? idk dates are scary.

I've done both before but soft body never worked correctly when scaled at all, how its done is with a cage that is simulated, the cage is lower poly so the simulation stays somewhat fast, then the base mesh aka breast deform with the cage. problem is in blender after the sim starts if the cage changes size, say gets bigger bad things can happen like the cage collapsing and it looks horrifying. after sine realization I must be doing something wrong as other people seem to have gotten it to work its because I was using cloth sim rather then soft body for the cage. while on the outside It might seem obvious to use soft body sim for the, uh, soft body. a lot of things in blender have names that don't align with what they are used for, that and the simply cage addon starts the cage in cloth.
soft body works much better but its still full of confusing settings and I got more to tweak/ learn but I got it enough to know how to make boob boob better.

2nd water. water is fun and wet. big giantess rising and growing out of the water is absolutely under utilized. why? well fluid sims are hard and very taxing on the Pc. sims can take hours or days depending on how nice and real you want it to look. for an animation of high quality and decent length It could take weeks to accurately simulate a lake for our lady to grow out of.
    you could could not accurately simulate it and lower the resolution but then you can tell and you probably wont be able to put things in the water that look nice in comparison to the size of the water sim drops.
what's the solution to that? lol idk, but on a more medium scale we can fake it. this water in the shot is in fact not a water sim, and is, a flat plain. thats right 2d flat. but basically its using simulation nodes to displace a plain, I can still interact with it like water and really just like I would a normal blender fluid sim, I can make inflow and out flow and make waves from objects interacting with it. Its also of course, FAST, not real time but the bake time for a min long animation is only a couple of minutes if that. the downside? well its a plain. so that means It can't do multi teared water, like rollover waves or a fountain with layers. but for what I want thats fine for the most part, and the addon handles splashes and foam too! (addon is called cell fluids btw) so might see more water based stills or animations as water is just cool.



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