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I did some practices sketching guilmon and I also have some ideas, but the most concrete ones are the ones you see here. I know they don't look as good as other sketches, the truth is that they look unrefined because I can't spend a long time sketching without my shoulder hurting me, so I'll try to refine them when I have more ideas and feel more recovered shoulder.

I still have some pain, the rehab sessions have helped a bit, but now I'm going to start strenght training and see if it helps too. Thanks a lot for your support and for those who commented and sent me encouragement.^-^




I'm a total stranger to Digimon, but I love how cute you always make Gulimon


The right pose is adorable 🥰 and I love seeing ExVee around, they are cute couple. So glad you're seeing personal improvement, and I hope it just keeps getting better 💛