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I'm sorry I haven't been so attentive lately here on Patreon, but at least I already went to the doctor and he sent me to rehab and also to the orthopedist to make me some special insoles for the shoes, so from this Monday I will start the sessions that will take a whole month. Anyway, if everything goes well and I feel better during the process, I'm sure I'll be able to draw more often.

The truth is that the pain added to other more spiritual or life things was making me feel a bit down, I just hope I can go back to the gym after rehabilitation so I can do a healthy activity and forget about these things for a long time.

Thanks for your support, and soon I'll finish at least the guilmon paintings, but I'll try to sketch some more ideas.



I hope it helps! It feels weird to ask, but when you sleep do you lay on the shoulder that has pain currently? If so, a change to the other side might help in healing, and even if not, maybe a large firm pillow could help hold your arm up toward a more neutral position.

Chicobo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 14:57:51 I hope it as well. I usually sleep on my back for quite a while because of that, but it was a problem that I didn't feel it as much as now that it's even affected by my posture when drawing. It's kinda frustrating because I feel that I owe you more content, but I can't stay drawing more than half an hour without that pain and this takes away the desire to resume on the same day. >.<
2022-11-06 00:22:10 I hope it as well. I usually sleep on my back for quite a while because of that, but it was a problem that I didn't feel it as much as now that it's even affected by my posture when drawing. It's kinda frustrating because I feel that I owe you more content, but I can't stay drawing more than half an hour without that pain and this takes away the desire to resume on the same day. >.<

I hope it as well. I usually sleep on my back for quite a while because of that, but it was a problem that I didn't feel it as much as now that it's even affected by my posture when drawing. It's kinda frustrating because I feel that I owe you more content, but I can't stay drawing more than half an hour without that pain and this takes away the desire to resume on the same day. >.<


As long as you feel comfortable keeping us updated, I won't feel even slightly frustrated by supporting you during times of low output. 💛


Hopefully the doctor will be able to patch you up well! Thank you for the update, make sure to follow through with them, and do what they advise!


I really appreciate your concern, I've started physiotherapy and some mobility exercises. I didn't say much, but I did talk about the updates in the last post because I don't want to saturate all of you with extra posts. Sorry for taking so long to respond but thanks a lot for your concern and support.


Oh of course not! You take care of yourself. Besides, it’s only been a day and a half—some people take months, years, or don’t respond at all! I’m just going to keep you in mind and spirit.