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More of Beastars ideas and yes, Jack is my favourite. xP

I think I've done a lot of Beastars lately and I'm not sure if you'd like to see anything else for a change, but if so please comment on what you'd like.

Thank you. ^-^




I personally can’t get enough Beastars after seeing the entire first season in both versions of dub, and how you’re capturing the very anime spirit of them is mind blowing.


ohh, thanks for your kindness, I'm not sure if I deserve such flattery but I always try to do my best to make styles similar to the originals. ^-^ Anyway, I must admit that Bill's original face is not very attractive to me so I took the freedom of making him a calmer and sexier expression in the previous sketch. xP


Definitely more beastars! Your style and talent translate perfectly on to the characters and it makes me smile every time I see it. As far as suggestions go, might I suggest any of the other Room 701 guys? Like Collot or Boss (Voss). They don’t get enough love.


On a more serious note, if you want to pitch out of left field, no one's done Shiira the leopard or Mina the giraffe. ;-)

Gayme Guy

Can we see Bill and Legoshi having sex for a future piece? :3


That may be a good idea, I will take into account those characters or situations that involve them. ^-^


It's possible. For now I'll see what new ideas come to mind, and also first I have to finish Bill's pinup.


I don't think I am able to involve the females of the series at the moment, sorry.