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Hi all. The truth is that I don't know how to start this topic, since it is something that I'm embarrassed to mention.

Recently I realized that for most of the $1 pledges the taxes take almost half of them, and I can not help but feel somewhat frustrated, since I had decided to move the sketches and WIPs reward of the $5 tier to $1 without knowing this issue, waiting for more people to support me and it was also designed so that people can have more content at an economic price, but I have discovered that I lose more than 40% only in taxes, and I don't know if I can continue in the future if I do not make some changes.

Therefore I thought for the future to change the minimum pledge of $1 to $2, and in that case the taxes would not be so big in comparison, and will remain economical for those who want to see WIPs, sketches and exclusive drawings.

I hope it does not sound bad for you, because my idea is not  to pretend this to looks like a business, since I love to draw and that is what matters most to me, but for a long time I am living with the right amount of money for daily expenses and without tell you that I do not have a car, nor a TV nor my own home, so I really have to worry about Patreon's income and take commissions from time to time.

Please, tell me if this seems right and give me your opinion or tell me what you think that I can do to improve this and at the same time your interests. 

Thank you.



The way I see it, you need to eat and support yourself somehow and if you need to do what is needed then I don’t the problem going up a bit. I’m sure others will understand, and look forward to your work. Keep up the good work.


When I'm financially capable of returning I'd happily pay $2 for the base benefits. Unfortunately I'm being forced to cancel all my Patreon support since my company just folded & for the time being I'm unemployed.

Craig from Omaha

The audience often doesn't know what the creator's takeaway is, and I've seen a number of other creators raising their $1 tier to be a $2 tier, so you shouldn't feel bad or alone.


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, here in my country is so hard to find job, but for sure you will be working again soon. I'm very grateful for your support so far, and do not worry, if at any time you can return you'll have access to everything published so far. Have a good day. ^-^


Thank you for understanding and for your support. here in my country is so hard to find job, that's why I'm trying to sustain this Patreon and doing commissions, but I must admit that I love drawing and I prefer to not think to much in this as a job.


Thanks for your words, now I feel a little more determined. I hope others understand me. Have a good day. ^-^