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Finally, I had the time and encouragement to finish the chapter. Many thanks to all the good comments and those who follow me for these things. x3 I hope that with time I can have more support to continue these personal projects so I don't need to worry about everyday expenses.




I know it :3 XDDDD...... Love the work. I hope Judy wont skin him apart xD :3.... Or as a good sister she will share XD :P :3 <3 xDDDDDDD.. Again love your work, big fan *^^*.


Really wanting to see more of this. Nick wants more than a kiss after seeing that sexy butt. <3


Shouldnt he say "Oh carrots!" or "sweet cheese and crackers" ? and HAH! I see a conflicting Nick XD


I know, but I thought more appropriate that Nick was more vulgar by the surprise, like he had not time to think something more clever. xP


What a cliffhanger! I hope there's more :D


nice work,man.


Good ;-)


Will you be continuing this storyline or has it been somewhat difficult to do so with your other works? Which are great by the way, 👍👍👍


Nice work! Would love to see this continued, if possible 😁


I'm sorry, although I would love to continue it there are several factors that prevent it, on the one hand I lack a lot of practice to do comics, that's why they were so short. On the other hand there has not been much interest in the comic more than a few like you, in fact there were some who showed a lot of hate because the thematic for some reason offended them, so I preferred to leave it on stand by for now, at least until I know how to plan better the comics.