First Pool: May themes (Read) (Patreon)
Sorry for my few posts this month, I had several complications and I was also learning to use the necessary programs to record while drawing.
I will try to be more attentive to you in the months to come. In this pool I would like to know what kind of themes are the ones that you like most about my art, so I could do something related to it for the next drawing or maybe the theme of each month. You can also give me sugestions about the themes that you would like to see and I probably include it for the next pools.
Also I'll change the pledge rewards the next month (For better I think): adding new proccess videos to the "$5 - Linework access" (also aplicable for $10 pledge), sending the Full HD proccess videos to the "$15 - PSDs access" patrons and lowering the sketch rewards for "$1 - Normal access". (And also add some pools like this one for the different pledges maybe)
Thank you for your support. ^-^