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Quick note since there are lots of newcomers: They are playing RP VR and they take it very seriously. They can feel, taste, see, etc as if they were in the game. Their actions, conversations, etc are all real to them (with slight changes due to them roleplaying characters). These interactions will reflect in the comic as well, that’s why after they played the Fantasy World, they became closer in the comic too. All in all, I am glad I can write about more intimate moments between them since now they feel more comfortable with each other.

Get some hot chocolate and immerse yourself in this world!







The first light of dawn pierced through the small corridor, casting a soft glow through tiny barred windows. The door behind him clicked shut immediately. “Tsk, coward”, a disdainful mutter escaped the white rabbit's lips as he proceeded forward. He had to pass two vacant cells before reaching the only one with an occupant in it.

“You know, for someone with such a reputation as yourself, it’s pretty underwhelming to witness your career cut short by a sheriff in a little town of fifty residents”. Sky remarked to the indifferent wolf lounging on a rectangular wooden board.

“Bad luck, I suppose” The wolf replied. This was only a temporary setback, he thought. He would be free in no time.

“You can call it however you like, doesn’t matter to me” The rabbit smiled, adjusting his hat “how long have they got you locked up in here?”.

“About two weeks. They finally found someone stupid enough to try to escort me”. His gaze shifted towards Sky.

“Oh, I’m not going to try, partner. I will succeed. Now get up, we are leaving now”.

Without a word, the black wolf rose, allowing Sky to place the cuffs inside the cell, which he then used to bind himself.

As they made their way outside, the sheriff attempted to look intimidating, but this facade was quickly shattered by his trembling hands. The place seemed deserted, an eerie ghost town, with only the wind and the jingling of their spurs breaking the silence. Nobody dared to give the wolf a face he could remember.

Two horses were hitched right outside, a jet black Mustang and a light brown Morgan. Leon, with his hands bound, wondered how he would mount the horse intended for him. He glanced at the rabbit who had a mischievous smile on his face. Confused, he looked back at the horses and noticed a wooden mounting block typically meant for women and children. “Humiliating”.

"Let's get you outta here before the sheriff has a heart attack" Sky chuckled as he skilfully mounted his shiny black horse. Despite finding the incredibly dangerous criminal's use of the steps somewhat comical, he knew it would be best not to stir up a hornets’ nest.

As they made their way through town, Leon cast a disapproving glance at the gathering clouds above. “Why are we leaving now?”.

"Unless you want to be roasted alive, this weather is as good as it gets" Sky replied, staying close to Leon while maintaining some distance, prepared for any unexpected moves.

“I have no desire to travel soaking wet" the wolf said, incredulous at the thought of someone stupid enough to find such weather ideal.

"These aren't rain clouds". Still, Sky glanced up to confirm. "We'll be fine".

“Alright, guess you want to see me wet, don’t you?”.

A faint blush tinted Sky's cheeks as he fought to maintain his composure. ‘Don't crack’ he thought to himself, determined not to fall for the wolf's provocations. ‘Don’t play into his games’. Despite Leon having his shirt on, his perfect physique was evident to anyone who cared to look.

“I bet you're counting the seconds for them rain drops” The wolf continued to push his buttons.

"Would you shut up?!" It had only been a matter of minutes, and Leon was already getting under his skin. He cursed himself for suggesting his friend play the role of the villain; after all, Leon had already proven his ability to portray characters effectively. This VR session was going to be a challenging one.

"You've taken the lives of quite a few men" Sky attempted to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"They were no saints either," the wolf retorted.

"They were enforcing the law."

"What law? The law of the fair? There's no such thing here, bounty hunter. Only the law of the privileged," Leon scowled, unsurprised someone in Sky's profession held such beliefs.

"The law," the rabbit locked eyes with the wolf's fiery gaze, "of the powerful, and there ain’t nothing more powerful than the federal government".

"That's your defense?" Red eyes narrowed. "You couldn't come up with a more convincing lie?".

"It's no lie, partner. I'm simply looking to get paid, and your head is a ticket to retirement."

Leon grinned. "Then, you admit it's the law of the rich."

"Sure, and once I turn you in, I'll be the one shaping the laws."

"If" The wolf's tone made it clear he was dead serious.

"I would advise you to stop making threats, cowboy. Your bounty is 'dead or alive,' and your head is still a pretty penny." The rabbit playfully formed a finger gun and gestured as if firing at Leon's head.

Still chuckling by what he believed was a witty remark, Sky abruptly steered his horse to the left, earning a quizzical look from Leon as they deviated from the main path. "Surprised?" The rabbit glanced to his side, a smug smile on his face. "I know you have friends waiting, about a day's travel, correct? I spotted them on my way here".

Leon cursed himself for his men's incompetence. "You're seeing things, bounty hunter. My men are dead".

"Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy the scenic mountain view" Sky replied coolly.

There was no snide comeback, no defiant glares. Leon acknowledged the setback and understood that, for now, the rabbit had the upper hand.

As they journeyed toward the mountain range, navigating through rocks and boulders became increasingly challenging. To make matters worse, the raindrops that had started the previous hour had intensified into a heavy downpour.

Both men fell silent. Sky knew leaving in this weather was a mistake, and Leon knew that no amount of protest would change their course now. Even in their anger toward each other, they shared an unspoken understanding that they were both trapped in this situation. They had ascended too far up the mountains to turn back, and the relentless rain poured down upon them.

They halted at what had once been a river crossing, but the relentless current had obliterated any remnants of what used to be an old wooden bridge. To Leon's astonishment, Sky urged his horse forward.

"What on earth are you doing?" The black wolf couldn't believe what he was witnessing; no one in their right mind would attempt such a perilous crossing.

"What does it look like? We're crossing the river" Sky replied, not bothering to glance back.

"We need to turn back, it's far too dangerous" Leon pleaded, attempting to halt his horse by tightening his legs around its sides, but the steed seemed determined to press on.

"We're not turning back; we're crossing."

"My hands are tied! You're going to get us killed!" In desperation, he watched as Sky's horse vanished under the water, leaving only its head visible.

"We're crossing this damn river!" The rabbit had become irrational. Deep down, he knew this was an attempt to regain a sense of control. Leaving the town had been a mistake, as had traversing the treacherous mountains, and now this river crossing was proving to be yet another misstep.

The current was stronger than it appeared, the water relentlessly splashing on his face from the sheer force it exerted against his horse. Sky felt the muscles in the animal strain as they struggled against the torrent. "Come on, boy!" He tried to encourage his horse, which was kicking and fighting for dear life.

The shore drew agonizingly nearer, but his horse's labored panting made it feel like they could succumb at any moment. "You got this!" The rabbit clung to the reins and saddle with all his strength, fearing that the water could sweep him away if he even loosened his grip slightly.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Fear transformed into excitement as Sky felt his horse's hooves touch the riverbed. "I knew you could do it, boy!" The rabbit shouted with euphoria as they gradually emerged from the water. He turned his head to check on Leon, and all happiness vanished from his body. There was no one behind him.

Sky surveyed his surroundings, wondering if the wolf had seized the opportunity to turn around and escape. But he quickly dismissed the notion; he had seen the horse enter the water. That meant...

"Giddy-up!" Sky urged his horse to run along the riverbank. The steed let out an annoyed grunt but complied, recognizing the gravity of the situation despite its exhaustion.

The rabbit scanned the river frantically. He had to be somewhere. "Curse this damned river!" he shouted in desperation. And then, there he was—for just a fleeting second—a black muzzle breaking the surface to catch a breath.

Without a second thought, Sky swiftly tied a rope around his waist and secured the other end to the saddle. With impressive dexterity, he rose to his feet, maintaining balance on the running horse. As they approached where he thought Leon might be, he took a deep breath and dived into the water.

The jet-black horse continued to gallop along the shore, the rope tied to its saddle disappearing into the water. Both men were now gone. Unwaveringly loyal to its master, the horse kept running, overcoming the increasing challenge of the rocky terrain. As long as its owner didn't command it to halt, it would persist.

Suddenly, two white ears emerged from the water, followed by a gasping rabbit and a black wolf in his arms. "Whoa!" Sky shouted repeatedly, praying his horse would hear the command over the roaring water. Black hooves dug into the mud and rocks, and Sky winced in pain as the rope tightened around his waist. The relentless current, coupled with the angle of the rope, gradually brought them closer to the riverbank.

With every ounce of strength, Sky crawled, dragging the half-unconscious criminal with him. The sharp rocks tore through his jeans, but he pushed the pain aside, focused on ensuring their safety.

Finally, they escaped the water's grasp and Sky collapsed on his back, gasping for precious air once more. He shut his eyes, the relentless rain still stinging his face. Then, a sudden respite; a shield against the raindrops. Opening his eyes, he found himself confronted by a pair of fierce, red eyes staring back at him.

"You son of a bitch, I will kill you!" Leon growled, his hands tightening around Sky's throat. A weak cough broke the tension, momentarily interrupting the wolf's fury. He glanced down, his gaze falling upon the rope encircling Sky's waist, already bruising his skin. Then, he looked up, meeting a pair of penetrating black eyes, scrutinizing his every move.

Leon loosened his grip, allowing another weak gasp as air finally filled the rabbit's lungs. "Damn you to hell," Leon grunted as he untied the rope, earning a sigh of relief from his captor in return.

Sky's world seemed blurry, gradually fading into darkness. He thought this might be the end, but then, a shaking sensation jolted him. As if someone had flicked a switch, his vision cleared, and he could see again. More shaking.

"Get up, we need to find cover!" At some point, Leon had freed himself from the cuffs and was now helping Sky to his feet.

They walked in silence, both grappling with the intensity of the recent events. By sheer luck, they stumbled upon a crevice in a cliff, just large enough to shelter them and the horse.

Leon dropped to the ground while Sky removed the saddle from his horse and hitched it to a protruding root on the cliff's wall. The length of the lead was generous, affording the horse the freedom to rest comfortably on the ground.

Soaked to the bone and shivering from the cold, they sat side by side, staring at the relentless downpour. There was no comfort of a crackling campfire or a warm blanket. The only solace they found was in their shared silence, allowing both to lose themselves in deep thought.

After several minutes, the white rabbit broke their trance. Trembling from the cold, he leaned against the other man. To his surprise, he felt an arm wrap around him. There they remained, seeking comfort in each other's warmth.

“You didn’t have to drag us through hell and back just to see me wet”. Leon quipped, a faint smile appearing on his face.

Sky couldn’t believe what he had just heard “My waist is killing me”, the smile returned.

“You’ll have to rest. No miracle tonic is curing that”.

"I can't rest; half of our provisions were on the horse you were riding, and we are three weeks away from the next town now that we can't go back”.

The wolf fell silent, his gaze fixed on the pouring rain. Eventually, he knew he would have to make an escape attempt. However, a sneeze from Sky broke his train of thought. Feeling the rabbit's body and warmth beside him, he reconsidered. Perhaps there was no need to rush. Maybe they could continue traveling together for some time longer.


Leon grunted and furrowed his brow, attempting to shield his eyes from the sun's rays. It took him several seconds to shake off the remnants of his dreams and fully wake up. "Oh, right," he muttered to himself, scanning his surroundings and piecing together where he was and with whom. To his surprise, however, the white rabbit was nowhere to be found.

In an almost mocking contrast to their harrowing experiences the day before, the sky was now clear, accompanied by warm weather and a gentle breeze. Leon emerged from the crevice and noticed his captor's clothes hanging from a tree. At least he wasn't abandoned alone, he pondered.

Thinking it a sensible idea to dry his own clothes, the black wolf stripped down to his underwear and hung his garments next to Sky's. The soft breeze already drying his damp fur.

With his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, Leon spotted the rabbit sitting on a rock with a fishing rod. He took a few steps closer but froze upon realizing that the other man was also in his underwear.

Sky's white fur gleamed like polished quartz, his well-defined muscles fitting handsomely on his smaller frame. Every movement of the fishing rod accentuated his taut biceps, and his fluffy ears resting on his back, gave him a serene aura. The scene before Leon exuded a sense of tranquility and peace that he wished could last forever.

The white rabbit turned, and their eyes met; blue meeting red. They remained in silence for a moment, each admiring the other's physique. Sky's smile seemed to invite Leon closer.

Leon settled down next to him to observe the flora on the other side of the river, the water gently splashing against the rocks in a calming manner. The absence of chirping birds left only the soothing sound of the flowing water. After years of running, fighting, robbing, and dueling, the black wolf felt an unexpected sense of peace.

It was a bittersweet feeling. He couldn't quite comprehend why this particular moment was impacting him so deeply. Perhaps it was the sheer unexpectedness of it all; being so accustomed to a life of constant motion, taking a moment to just enjoy the present had become a rare luxury.

Additionally, the fact that he was practically naked brought back memories of carefree childhood days when no one would think twice about him skinny-dipping in a river. Time had not been kind to the wolf. His life choices had left him with a body marked by scars, not all of which were physical.

"I've been sitting here for an hour and haven't caught anything" The white rabbit lamented, though his tone remained light and jovial, making light of his misfortune.

Leon couldn't fully comprehend what was happening, nor did he want to. It just felt good, and most importantly, it felt right. "Uh..." he glanced to his side and noticed a small bag of lures. "It's still early in the morning; we might have better luck trying to catch Bull trout".

Sky nodded, absorbing the information. "I don't usually venture to the northwest, and fishing isn't really my thing".

The black wolf smiled, "We need some cut bait, but I don't think you have any".

The rabbit returned the smile and suddenly stood up, "I have an idea," he said, already heading back to their bags. Leon could only watch in silence as the other man hopped from rock to rock, seemingly carefree and full of life. He had heard tales of this formidable bounty hunter before. Could this really be the same man? For a brief moment that day, he caught a glimpse of the innocent soul hidden beneath countless layers.

But then, reality struck him. Both he and the rabbit were stripped of their usual barriers. Their clothes hung drying, leaving them practically naked to the world; exposing their vulnerabilities for all to see. They were both showing sides they had never revealed to anyone before.

"Here," Sky kneeled down and doused one of the lures in fish oil, offering it to Leon. "Might as well, right?".

"Might as well," the wolf nodded, taking the lure and deftly replacing it. He scanned the water, looking for rocks where Bull trout might be hiding and cast his line in that direction.

They both sat quietly, Leon still processing his emotions when he felt a sudden tug on the line. "Well, I'll be damned".



Me encanto <3


So is immersive VR a thing in the comic?


it's sort of gray area. Characters will mention it and maybe interact in a way, but for now we don't plan on making it a major plot device. This might change in the future. For now, it will be more of a Patreon reward

Gabbo The Fox

but this is another world respect the previous episode?


Each world acts as its own universe. Sky and Leon might break character briefly, but the idea is to keep each world self contained.