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  • bunniboi 368
  • bunniboi 48
  • 2023-07-07
  • 416 votes
{'title': 'PASSWORD FOR PAGE 22', 'choices': [{'text': 'bunniboi', 'votes': 368}, {'text': 'bunniboi', 'votes': 48}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 7, 4, 39, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 416}


Sorry for the double notification. Whoever is leaking the content, now is uploading the post comments so they can get the password. But guess what, pirate sites are not able to get polls, so, here's the password!

We are really sorry it has to be this way.

This is only temporary. We are already working on a better way to deliver the new pages


James Dibble

❤️ sorry you have to go through this!!

Ardy the Fox (aka KingJabbaDaButt)

It's fine. I'm sorry that people are assholes, and are making ya'lls jobs so difficult. Keep up the good work!


it's cool. It pisses us off because it affects your experience and we hate that. We really want to offer the best of what we can offer. We will find a better solution, don't worry!

Grey Jaffe

I'm sorry that people are doing this, especially for the trouble it's causing y'all to have. Thanks for finding ways though, the comics always get me smiling.


That really sucks. And not the good kind. In either case, I’m supporting you no matter what. Anyone that actually cares will stay here and get it legitimately. Keep up the great comic, I’m totally loving the story.


This is too adorable a story to be dealing with something as rotten as piracy, very unfortunate to see this happening, this solution however amuses me as much as the comic does, very clever


Thank you, and truly sorry this is affecting your experience. We will find a way to deliver the pages without going through this hassle for you


Thanks for the kind words Drowse. And sorry this affects your experience. I promise we will find a better way eventually


haha thank you! The solution is clever but it is a hassle for you guys. If there is a group of people we do NOT want to inconvenience, is you. I'm actually a web developer and I have an understanding of how the bot works. I already know how to content-id the comic and I'll know who the leaker is. It just takes time and i'll rather spend that time working on the comic and related content (like the fake website)


Sucks people are stealing your shit. Hopefully you'll find a solution that works and isn't a ton of effort.


Don't worry, just as i came up with the poll solution, i'll come up with a better one that doesn't inconvenience you guys <3

Grey Jaffe

I don't mind, I still can read the comic, and I don't mind an extra step or two on my end while this is happening. Keep up the good work. Hopefully this can be resolved quickly for y'all.

Justin Larson

I wish there was a way to take a cast iron skillet to the people pirating 🍳. It's sad that people steal instead of making their own artwork. We all appreciate and support your work, please keep it up! 💜


Bueno, esta es una idea inesperada para evitar la piratearía y la verdad no importa el tener un par de vueltas en el camino para que este protegido el contenido. Lamento que ustedes tengan que pasar por todo esto solo para evitar las filtraciones, igual cuentan con todos los que apoyamos aquí, gracias por el esfuerzo y cariño que ponen en esto.