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You guys completely blew our expectations with Patreon lol.

As you may have noticed, thanks to you, we managed to make 4 rewards this month. That's because we were able to give the comic and Patreon most of our focus this month (fuck you day jobs).

We are so excited about the content we will soon be able to share with you! Our plan is to offer TWO pages ahead for the "pallet" tier and ONE page ahead for the "package" tier. These pages will be ad-free and in HD!

We cannot give you a timeframe of when this will unlock since we currently caught up with the buffer we had created for the comic. But it will happen, we promise you that. 

However, as of right now, "pallet" tier will receive ad-free HD versions of the comic on release date! We felt awful not offering anything extra for you guys, even though we know you do it out of love, we want to give you something in return... Because we love you too <3

btw, we might not reply to comments on spicy stuff but we absolutely love reading all of them



Welp, that’s my weekend plans out the window. Now I gotta have an hours long internal debate on whether to upgrade to Pallet tier 🤔


Thank you for the food you put on our table🙏


The comic is still 100% free! This will never change, ever. Yes, we need to run ads on it, but we will never ask for payment to read it &lt;3


Okay fine, I upgraded to Pallet tier, twist my arm 😤♥️

Damián Otín Lucero

I'm really glad the patreon's going so well! Congrats! You totally deserved it &lt;3


I feel honored to be able to support your work ^^ You’re the first creators on Patreon that I intend to keep paying after the first month. Excited for the stuff you’re intending to give us in the future :3


Already excited for what y’all are planning ^^


Honestly y'all hooked me immediately, shirtless Leon didn't hurt. Seeing it recommended to me on Webtoon was the easiest click my furry ass has done. Glad to see you're getting support you deserve and I look forward to the story and hijinks they all get into.


Felicidades por el éxito del patreon, aunque con semejante trabajo es muy merecido. Solo no se sobreesfuerzen con las recompensas, es mas importante el cuidado ustedes que sacar mas cosas de las que se pueden de forma cómoda, que hay muchos proyectos que se agotan por eso. Perdón si sueno un poco alarmista pero es algo mas o menos frecuente.


I'm so happy you guys have gotten this much support, the amount of work the two of ya's are puttin into what you do is real heartwarming. I've said this many times already, and I never wanna be repetitive but the stuff you put out is so fuckin cozy and really warms the soul. I will be supportin you two all the way, even if I can't keep my subscription up

Gabbo The Fox

Don’t worry ^^ i love this little RPG story 🤩

Dylan Batchelor

Do you guys have a discord was just wondering


Nope, but we did play with the idea. We haven't had time to do much yet. We'll probably announce one in the near future


I’m seeing pages being posted on Twitter but not here. Are they going to be posted to this tier?


We stopped posting the comic on twitter months ago. It's only being posted on Tapas, Webtoon and Pallet tier on Patreon. If you see the full pages being posted, they are not us


Oh damn, word, I’ll unfollow that lmao. Specifying that pallet members are the only ones who get access to the comic on the tiers page would be a little more informative. Thanks tho!


We will add them when have the reward ready. Tho, we haven't added that they get ad-free pages. We will add that now, thx!