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Hi, hello, hi hi hello, Syd here.

The past 24 hours have been crazy! I just wanna say I love you (haha kidding... unless?)

Lol jokes aside, thank you guys. We really do love you all and are floored by the immense support we've been getting.

Let's get some updates going!

-Heru has already began work on the Tier 2 reward. It will be published very soon 👀

-The next short story will be part 2 of the medieval one. After that one, we'll make a poll to let you guys decide on the theme for the next one.

-The comic is on track to be published this Sunday. You'll get to know a new important character in the story. I swear he's very likeable lol.

Let us know in the comments if you want these types of updates and what you would want to be updated on. Would you want more detailed updates about the comic with a spoiler warning?




These type of updates are great. I like to be kept in the loop of things. And for the comic updates, those are great too. I don't care about being spoiled but I know some people are very anal about that so I guess putting a warning would be best. I did have one question tho, would we be seeing the comic early here or just WIP stuff or is this page just for side stuff. Just curious as to what y'alls plan is here. Keep up the great work. - Christian

Novx King

Can’t wait! I can tell you guys are putting a lot of work into this. And yes getting updates would be great just nothing that would spoil things too much. Keep up the great work!


Yeah, we feel more comfortable sharing some behind the scenes stuff with you guys since it's a smaller group. We did think about posting the pages here earlier, it's something that might or might not happen. I don't want to give you false promises. The patreon is mainly for extra content, so far we truly are giving us much as we possibly can. However, the comic is still only about two months old, so if we keep growing, i'm certain we'll be able to add rewards to the tiers (new content won't be locked in new tiers, we will always add to the existing ones)


Thank you! I don't like to be spoiled either (I don't even watch trailers lol). If we do share stuff for the upcoming pages, it will always include a spoiler warning. It's still a big if, tho. I dunno if you guys have noticed, but with each page, the story becomes a bigger deal. So, since it won't be random encounters like we are doing now, I don't think we would want to spoil anything for you guys


I'm here to wave glowsticks and wait patiently. Updates are nice, if you feel like it. But don't stress over it. All the best


Esta clase de actualizaciones están muy bien tanto del comic como del patreon. Serian geniales algunas cosas del pasado del comic o de los personajes como de donde surgieron y cosas asi, si es posible. Gracias por crear esta historia y abrir este espacio para apoyarlos, sigan asi.


This is all very cozy for me, and I am 100% here for all of it. I love supportin' the wonderful work both of ya have been doin, every bit of it is lovely. The updates are very much welcome, and I personally like to read things unspoiled, but love hearin' bout the creation process so I will be fine with whatever the decision is [plus that spicy ish is gonna be top tier]. but of course do what is comfortable, and don't stress bout it, we love the two of ya... in a classical sense of course. take care dawgs <3


Gracias! Lo vamos a tener en cuenta. Es posible que hagamos un post ya que algunos personajes fueron creados hace años


these update posts are a good idea I think really looking forward to part 2 of the story, I've really enjoyed reading that :D beside that I would say no spoilers for the comic, my boyfriend and I are always reading them together when they come out and I don't think I can trust myself to not check the spoilers lol. all the best!

Brad (nrimbxw)

Syd you’ve been doing a great job on the story, and Heru your art style is just perfect. What I’d like to see is Sky’s and Leon’s back stories.


Thanks! Yeah we'll most likely do posts explaining certain things from each page. We do hide a lot of things in the backgrounds that people haven't found to this day lol


I don't like spoilers either. If we do end up showing things from future pages, they would always be with a spoiler warning and not going into details


Thank you! Yeah, we did make their backstories. But, since they come to play later on, we decided not to post them as not to spoil anything. We can do some basic bios tho!


I like the idea of updates on the comic a lot. I prefer only a tease of whats to come like you mention a new charecter here. Excited for the next one :3


You guys been doing a really great job at this, Me and my Boyfriend been loving everything yall have done so far, Me and him relate really strongly to the characters and we are really happy about that. Keep on doing a great job and don't stress yourselves!


I'm so happy that u r getting the support that you deserve! This is the first time I've ever wanted to become a patron of anything c: As long as I have a job I'll be here hehe


Posting the pages here (even if it's at the same time as you post it on webtoon) would be great bc honestly I'm not using webtoon apart from your comic and I've stopped using twitter so it's easy to miss it. Even only a Link to webtoon when you upload it would be fine.