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Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Colleagues, I’m writing this to inform you about an important event in my life. After turbulent months at my job, I’m finally close to finally getting out of this dead end quagmire of career I was stuck in. These were months of mobbing, health and sanity destroying grind and of constant alienation for sake of meeting an unrealistic dream of a man I once believed to be my ally, but now I see as just a millstone tied around my neck. More than once, I thought that this work would destroy me, but now I’m close to finally breaking these ties of contracts and personal debts binding me there.

I’m writing this message to thank you all for your support during these times. I survived thanks to my family and my dear friends in real life, but also thanks to all the wonderful people I’ve met online. I want to thank You all for supporting me and giving me strength to stand up for myself. I’m deeply grateful for all the kind words of support and for all the chances to share my sorrows with You. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to take back my life.

I also want to thank all of You who followed me as an artist without being involved with my personal life. Your encouragement let me regain my lost confidence. It has shown me what I’m capable of achieving when I’m not bound to somebody else’s vision. Plus, You let me express some of my deepest feelings in art and showed me that You actually care about them. For that, I’m grateful.

The battle for my job and my own freedom from having my career bound to the person treating me like a serf is still raging on, but I’m finally on my way to closing this dark chapter of my life. I have obtained a way to break free from the destructive net of obligations and I finally have means to fight back against the attempts to smear me, if I’ll try to leave. Over the next two weeks, everything will come to a conclusion. I hope that once it’s done, I will have more time to make art that I can show You.

Yours truly, Structural Nightmare


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