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Are you planning to purge your Patreon account? Sorry to see you go!
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How does Flattr work?!

It's interesting… "Less commitment, more love."

Once you've signed on as a Flattr contributor and installed the browser widget, you will automatically "Flattr" creators when you visit one of their sites. For example, if you visit my Flattr Profile, my personal website thinkyhead.com or any of my social media pages as a Flattr contributor, I'll automatically be Flattr'ed. A web page may also have an old Flattr button on it, which will still work.

At the end of each month your monthly pledge amount is apportioned to all the creators you've Flattr'ed.

If that sounds too convoluted, I understand!
For many, the PayPal recurring payment option may be the best choice.



Scott, you need to set up a reoccouring payment button on Paypal so that we don't have to manually pay every month.


Flattr fails at being obvious at how to use. View your profile there, see nothing obvious on how to support. Create account, view profile again, see even less than before and still nothing on how to support. From what I can tell without RTFM, its seems to work by monthly configurable allowance that is then spent from on creators (though how you do that last part is completely not clear). That is an intresting way to get around Patreon's main point they were claiming was necessary when they attempted to charge massive fees on patrons per pledge, that they charge each pledge as a separate transaction. I'm guessing Flattr is either a "money handler" or found a creative way around those regulations (assuming Patreon's statements about their insane payment processing methods were true).


One RTFM later, how would Flattr even work for a non media creator? Contributors don't seem to have direct control over how much they support creators, only vague controls via the browser plugin (more than a few privacy concerns there) for tracking media consumption. Very much non-intuitive and I'm having a hard time seeing the selling point to users over direct support methods instead. Ad-block absolving?


Do you prefer Patreon or PayPal? Patreon is paid through my PayPal account every month so if PayPal have less handling fees I could easily switch to PayPal.