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As part of an ongoing series of design experiments, I've put together rules hacks to run Mage: the Ascension and also Mage: the Sorcerers Crusade on a PbtA rules framework.

These hacks include full support for the Traditions, Technocracy/Order of Reason, and Disparates (no playable Marauders, sorry; maybe later). Major features:

• These hacks retain Mage's signature flexible, build-your-own effect Sphere magic, but without the many weird hinky intricacies of Storyteller's ruleset, or super-dense bundled Sphere dots. Instead, all effects are built by putting various moves together to describe what you want.

• Clean, easy-to-use rules for accumulating Paradox and when backlashes occur. Also, similarly straightforward but not just lazily clone-flipped Scourge rules for Sorcerers Crusade.

• An easy system for defining your character's paradigm and style of magick, and how to use it in play.

• A very simple but flexible framework for building Seekings on the fly without having to craft a bespoke vision-quest on a moment's notice.

The World of Darkness is currently the property of Paradox Interactive.

The Apocalypse World engine belongs to D. Vincent Baker.

Credit should also be given to Avery Alder, Adam Koebel, Sage LaTorra, Chris Clouser, Tanner Yea, and pretty much everyone working with the PbtA engine right now for various mechanical bits and bobs that ended up in these hacks.

This is a public post, and anyone is welcome to download, play, or further tinker with these hacks so long as no money is made off of them.


Tyler Schuster

My wife thanks you profusely! Mage is her favorite :)


I’m so excited to bring this to my table! I’ve been wanting a Mage game for a few years, but my players get scares by the sheer volume of the rule books. :) I just have one question: how long does a spell last in this rule set? In the original, you bought longer durations with successes. Do uou have to weave Prime into it to make an effect last a scene? (Sorry for being rules lawyery, but I know this will be one of the first questions my players has)


Sorry for taking so long to reply, been sick. Generally anything that actively does something magickal for more than a few moments (up to a scene) I would consider a "sustained" effect, inflicting the penalty indicated on the magickal modifiers chart. If you want to weave together "free-standing" ongoing effects without devoting personal effort to sustaining them, yeah, that's conjunctional Prime. By "actively does something magickal" I mean something like "protects you from fire." If you turn a lump of iron into a lump of silver, the magick was the transformation-- I wouldn't require you to "sustain" it being a lump of silver. Prime's really there for like, enchanted swords and cyborgs and permanent magic portals, rather than nerfing all your other magick. This system's a bit more permissive than the Storyteller version, as a general thing.


Cheers Holden - I understand now! I’m looking forward to playing this with my friends! :)