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Hi everybody, I just wanted to adresss some issues that are happening in the delivery of the rewards.

Some of you contacted me because you weren't being able to open the links on your mobile/tablets, and at first I didn't knbow what was the cause. Well, apparently it was because the files were too big AND the names were too big, this caused an issue on non mobile devices.
Well, I made some tests reducing the name of the file and IT WORKED! I didn't know a long name could cause so much problems, but apparetly it was fixed!

The other issue is regarding the November reward for the Pro Bodybuilder tier, I don't know if it happened to everyone, but it seems the file was too big (above 512mb) to be unzipped. So, with a help of a friend I made a little mre compressed file (a little less than 500mb) for people to download.

So, if you were one of those people that had problems to unzip the file or had the problem with the link, you can DM me in the community section and I can send the new link. I hope it works fine this time. XD

See ya!



Great!... How do I DM in the community section. =3=;


In the mobile or desktop there's an icon of 2 speech bubbles, click there and there's 2 options there: "chat" and "direct message" (can be an letter icon too), you click in the direct message one and send your request! ^^