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Hey Deep Peeps! Did you miss our mushroom event last month on January 24? We hope you enjoy these behind-the-scenes event photos and an exclusive video of Damon Tighe, one of the experts at the event showing off the mushrooms he foraged and brought in especially for the event.

A big shout out to Deep Look’s host Laura Klivans for doing a great job of moderating, and also to our producer Gabriela Quirós for showing the audience the secret implement, a.k.a. burette, she used to simulate raindrops for our bird's nest fungi episode.

Laura Klivans (far right) interviewing some of our mushroom experts from L-R, Dr. Gordon Walker, naturalist, scientist and board member of the Sonoma Mycology Association; Damon Tighe, biotechnologist and naturalist; Grace Stark, Ph.D. candidate in mycology, UC Berkeley. (Sevda Eris/KQED)

A view of the crowd enjoying the conversation between Laura and mushroom experts.  (Sevda Eris/KQED)

Gabriela demonstrating to Laura and the crowd how she used the burette in our bird's nest fungi episode. In the background, on screen, is a behind-the-scenes photo of Josh Cassidy, our cinematographer, filming the water drops falling from the burette onto the bird's nest fungi in KQED's production studios. (Sevda Eris/KQED)

Reggie Harris founder of Oakland's Hyphae Labs and his team, lead chemist Tomas Garret and analytical chemist Emily Savage, chatting with Laura about all things related to psychedelics from science and culture to policy.  (Sevda Eris/KQED)

Laura looks on as Chad Hyatt, mushroom hunter and author of "The Mushroom Hunter’s Kitchen," prepares and tries his mushroom ceviche. Ceviche samples were also passed out to the audience.(Sevda Eris/KQED)

(L-R) Eleanor Raab, a San Francisco Bay Area naturalist who gave us the idea for our bird's nest fungi episode, in discussion with Laura about the do's and don'ts of foraging. And, here's a link to the special guide she created for the event.   (Sevda Eris/KQED)

Post event, the audience went out into KQED's lobby to enjoy tables with recently foraged mushrooms. (Photos by Sevda Eris/KQED)

Below are behind-the-scenes photos of our experts setting up the main mushroom display table pre event. (Sevda Eris/KQED)

(L-R) Eleanor Raab, Gordon Walker, Grace Stark and Damon Tighe. (Sevda Eris/KQED)

Damon Tighe also identified and labeled all the mushrooms brought in by event attendees. (Sevda Eris/KQED)

(L-R) Sarah Rose Leonard, KQED Live event producer; Gabriela Quirós, Deep Look's coordinating producer and the producer of our bird's nest fungi video; and Craig Rosa, Deep Look's series producer at the event. (Sevda Eris/KQED)



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