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Deep Look has won an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Kavli Science Journalism Gold Award in the “Video Spot News/Feature Reporting” category for our episodes about barnacles, giant water bugs and honeypot ants. This award is very special to our team, because it is awarded by independent panels of our fellow science journalists.

You can watch the three winning episodes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdKlciEDdCQCSU_qOsvmB8FzYKBJi2PfR

🎉🎉🎉And three cheers for the following members of the Deep Look production team for working on these episodes: Josh Cassidy, Gabriela Quirós, Lesley McClurg, Elyse DeFranco, Teodros Hailye, Kia Simon and Seth Samuel!



Zoe Cohen

That's awesome! Congrats! It's well deserved! <3