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We have fantastic news! Deep Look’s Barnacles Go To Unbelievable Lengths To Hook Up won an award for best “Micro Movie” on September 29 at the international Jackson Wild Media Summit in Austria!!

The award goes to the most effective and compelling film under five minutes in runtime that best advances an understanding or appreciation of the natural world. A special congratulations to Josh Cassidy, the video’s producer and cinematographer.

“It’s such an honor to be recognized by the Jackson Wild Awards alongside the top wildlife filmmakers in the world," said Josh. "Who would have thought that folks would be so interested in the love lives of barnacles? I guess you’ve got to give the people what they want!”


Josh Cassidy filming barnacles at the Romberg Tiburon Campus in Sausalito, California.

(L-R) Mike Seely, one of our former Deep Look producers and Darren Knabe from PBS at the Jackson Wild Media Summit receiving the award for us. Thanks for being there Mike and Darren!  



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