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The Deep Look team has worked with many talented and renowned scientists over the years, and our stories couldn’t have come together without their invaluable assistance. We’d like to acknowledge the contributions of Barry Sinervo, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Santa Cruz who passed away earlier this week from cancer.

He collaborated with our team on two episodes: “These Ensatina Salamanders are Heading For a Family Split,” which explains how these amphibians offer a rare snapshot of millions of years of evolution; and the intricate mating strategies of Western side-blotched lizards in “These Lizards Have Been Playing Rock-Paper-Scissors for 15 Million Years.”

Sinervo said he loved “sending out the message of the wonders in nature to the public” via Deep Look, and our producers are grateful they were able to benefit from his extensive evolutionary biology research that delved into population genetics, game theory, behavior, and physiology through his storied career.

Contributions to the organization 350.org may be made in his memory.



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