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Josh Cassidy has been with Deep Look since the very beginning. His love for filming tiny creatures led him to come up with the original concept for this award-winning macro wildlife video series!

Deep Look reflects his lifelong interest in both nature and film. As a kid, Josh spent his free time in the woods near his home chasing frogs and collecting fireflies. He later received a bachelor of science degree in wildlife biology from Ohio University, then moved to California to pursue a career in marine biology.

He participated in marine mammal research for NOAA, USGS and the Intersea Foundation and served as the president of The Pacific Cetacean Group, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching young students about whales. But Josh’s unrelenting susceptibility to seasickness caused him to look for a new career.

A longtime fan of BBC’s venerable David Attenborough, Josh decided to switch paths and become a filmmaker. He studied documentary filmmaking at San Francisco State University before entering a graduate program in science and natural history filmmaking at Montana State University.

Josh shot his first film, Life by the Tide, in the tide pools at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in Moss Beach, CA. His freshman film was accepted into several wildlife film festivals including the International Ocean Film Festival in San Francisco.

It was there that he met a producer from KQED, the San Francisco Bay Area’s public media station, who encouraged him to apply for an internship in the science department. Josh worked his way up from intern to senior video producer on shows including KQED’s QUEST and Science on the SPOT series.

When it was time to come up with a new online video series, Josh pitched an idea he had for a show that would allow him to pursue his love of macro cinematography and microscopy –– which you all now know and love as Deep Look.

As Deep Look’s lead producer and cinematographer, Josh keeps a pretty busy schedule these days. Please post your questions for Josh, and he’ll try and answer as many as possible!

Photo Credit: Jenny Oh/KQED. Josh was filming in Marysville, CA, for the Deep Look video, “Peregrine Falcons are Feathered Fighter Jets, Basically”.



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