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Ensatinas are a sprawling group of colorful salamanders, each one with different strategies for avoiding predators, from bold warning colors to confusing camouflage. Their diverse family tree offers us a rare snapshot of millions of years of evolution – how one species becomes many.

We hope you enjoy this first look at our newest episode. You can start sharing it with other science fans on Tuesday, June 30 from YouTube. Thanks! 


These Sneaky Ensatina Salamanders Are Heading For a Family Split | Deep Look

Ensatinas are a sprawling group of colorful salamanders, each one with different strategies for avoiding predators, from bold warning colors to confusing camouflage. Their diverse family tree offers us a rare snapshot of millions of years of evolution – how one species becomes many.



1:56 you can see the blood moving in the iris, so cool!

Hani Santosa

So they are like galapagos finches? Cool