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Hey Deep Peeps,

It takes quite a bit of time and effort from our entire team to produce an episode for Deep Look – and when you add a global pandemic into the equation, you have even more challenges to contend with. 

We're fortunate that our team has been able to work remotely by bringing much of the essential equipment we've needed back to our homes. But sometimes we have to improvise, like our host Laura Klivans recording our voice over tracks in her makeshift studio. Her tools include: a comforter for soundproofing her surroundings; a glass of water nearby to keep her hydrated (but out of "accidentally-knocked-it-over" range);  and her recording kit, laptop and cellphone with earbuds and headphones so she can communicate with producers and ensure she can hear herself and any background noise. Laura also notes that in this photo, her cheeks are a bit flushed from the 90-degree heat; it can get a bit toasty in her set up after an hour!

Photo Credit: Laura Klivans/KQED

And for our most recent episode which I produced, "How the Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs", our lead producer and cinematographer Josh Cassidy recruited one of his roommates, Danielle, for some key shots that I needed. Since we needed a blank white wall that could be well-lit (which was not easy to find in their apartment), they came up with this solution that required some balancing skills on Danielle's part. We're grateful to Danielle for volunteering her time for this special video, which we hustled to finish in half the amount of time we usually allocate per episode! And a special shout also goes out to Kia Simon, our co-editor and After Effects wizard,  and Teodros Hailye, our animator, for all of the heavy lifting they did for this video. We couldn't have produced it so quickly without their amazing help.

–Jenny Oh

Deep Look Producer


Photo Credit: Josh Cassidy/KQED


Christopher Hutchison

😂😂😂 Laura, my nephew would like to come visit your studio (aka blanket fort)! LoL. Love it.