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Happy Women's History Month! Deep Look has a diverse team of men and women that help produce every episode – including coordinating producer Gabriela Quirós and host Laura Klivans – but we'd also like to take a moment to celebrate some of the women scientists that we've featured in previous videos. 

For one of our most popular episodes, "How Ticks Dig In With a Mouth Full of Hooks", Gabriela collaborated with Kerry Padgett, supervising public health biologist at the California Department of Public Health in Richmond; you'll see a spooky cameo from Kaeli Swift, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington’s Avian Conservation Lab in Seattle in "You've Heard of a Murder of Crows"; and in "The Curious Webspinner Insect Knits a Cozy Home" one of the leading experts of webspinners, Janice Edgerly-Rooks, a professor of biology at Santa Clara University, makes a brief appearance (see if you can spot her!)

Watch more videos that feature the research of women scientists in our special YouTube playlist!

Photo: Professor of biology Janice Edgerly-Rooks and Deep Look producer Jenny Oh film webspinners with lead producer and cinematographer Josh Cassidy. Credit: Edward Rooks


Credit: Edward Rooks


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