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We've got an exciting new episode about Merriam's kangaroo rats hopping your way next week! We often have to resort to some creative techniques to film our videos – since we have tight budgets and short windows of opportunity to roll the camera. 

Instead of using a "green screen" special effect technique to artificially place the kangaroo rat within its native habitat, our Deep Look cinematographer Josh Cassidy took it outside in an enclosed terrarium with the help of researchers from Cal State University San Bernardino. Filming through the glass prevented the kangaroo rat from escaping or being vulnerable to predators while showcasing the beauty of the dry coastal scrub ecosystem in the background.  

You'll see this shot in our upcoming video – and our Patreon supporters will get an early look this Friday!


Credit: Mike Seely / KQED


R Brooks

Are Kangaroo Rats the same animal as a Gerbil?