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Our new producer, Mike Seely, has answered some of your questions about his career and Deep Look. We hope you enjoy learning more about Mike!

What's your favorite Deep Look video so far, and what do you think makes this channel so special/uniquely good?

It's tough to pick, but one of my favorites is still the very first Deep Look episode - "Pygmy Seahorses: Masters of Camouflage." 

What I especially love about Deep Look is that each episode reveals a new tiny world for the viewer. These things are all around us, but we rarely see them.  It's exciting to be a part of a team working on a series that is truly dedicated to fostering feelings of wonder and discovery for people of all ages. 

Do you have plans for more underwater content? I just love the weird and mysterious creatures from the deep!

I'd love to do an episode featuring an underwater creature! Right now I'm researching sea cucumber defense and their abilities to re-grow their internal organs. I am also interested in different forms of bioluminescence in sea slugs, like the Spanish Shawl.

Have you directed anything famous before? What have you directed before?

I think it's safe to say I haven't done anything famous 😊,  but millions of people have seen my work on TV, in film festivals and online.  I have worked as a producer, director and cinematographer on various documentary films over the years.  I recently directed Exiled, about US veterans who have been deported, and The Most Distant Places, about a mobile hospital project in Ecuador.  Before joining Deep Look, I produced a few short pieces for our KQED Arts colleagues in San Francisco, the most recent of which is The Courageous Queens of Compton's Cafeteria.



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