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While known for being the world’s fastest bird–peregrines have been clocked at diving more than 200 miles per hour–these majestic birds were at risk for going extinct 50 years ago. Widespread use of pesticides such as DDT decimated native populations of peregrine falcons. 

By 1970, California’s peregrine population had dwindled to only two known nesting pairs statewide. The federal government banned DDT in 1972. And successful restoration efforts spearheaded by organizations like The Peregrine Fund helped revive their numbers. By 1999, they were removed from the federal Endangered Species List. Recent surveys estimate that there are now 300 to 350 nesting pairs in California and more than 2400 pairs nationwide.

We hope you enjoy this first look at our newest episode. You can start sharing it with other science fans on Tuesday, August 20th fromYouTube. Thanks! 


Peregrine Falcons are Feathered Fighter Jets, Basically | Deep Look

Peregrine falcons catch other birds mid-flight by diving at more than 200 mph. To do it, they need some high-precision gear: special eyesight, talons and aerodynamics that can't be beat. SUBSCRIBE to Deep Look! http://goo.gl/8NwXqt Please support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/deeplook DEEP LOOK is a ultra-HD (4K) short video series created by KQED San Francisco and presented by PBS Digital Studios. See the unseen at the very edge of our visible world. Explore big scientific mysteries by going incredibly small. --- While known for being the world’s fastest bird–peregrines have been clocked at diving more than 200 miles per hour–these majestic birds were at risk for going extinct 50 years ago. Widespread use of pesticides such as DDT decimated native populations of peregrine falcons. By 1970, California’s peregrine population had dwindled to only two known nesting pairs statewide. The federal government banned DDT in 1972. And successful restoration efforts spearheaded by organizations like The Peregrine Fund helped revive their numbers. By 1999, they were removed from the federal Endangered Species List. Recent surveys estimate that there are now 300 to 350 nesting pairs in California and more than 2400 pairs nationwide. ---+ Read the entire article on KQED Science: https://www.kqed.org/science/1944037/peregrine-falcons-are-feathered-fighter-jets-basically --- What’s the origin of the Peregrine Falcon's name? Peregrine is Latin for "Peregrinus," which means “traveler” or “pilgrim.” --- How many eyelids do raptors, or birds or prey, like peregrine falcons have? They have three! Two eyelids are used for closing their eyes, while the third is used for blinking. It’s also called the nictitating membrane and helps to protect their eyes and keep them moist and clean. It’s semi-transparent, so they can actually still see through it when it’s closed. --- Did you know they have a special bone to protect their eyes? It’s called a sclerotic ring and helps support and secure their eyeballs within their skulls. ---+ For more information: Visit The Peregrine Fund https://www.peregrinefund.org/ ---+ More Great Deep Look episodes: Things With Wings: https://youtu.be/a68fIQzaDBY ---+ Shoutout! ---+ 🏆Congratulations 🏆to the following fans for coming up with the best emoji or ASCII tributes to this fine feathered bird in our community tab challenge: Sandcastle • ɐɯɹɐʞ ɐıuɐɯ lieutenant giwaffe Sectumsempra, b****! Sweetle pie.3. Go look at all the entries here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3SbfTPJsL8fJAPKiVqBLg/community?lb=UgwOc06o6J5Zl1ssUE54AaABCQ ---+ Thank you to our Top Patreon Supporters ($10+ per month)! Allen, Aurora Mitchell, Beckie, Ben Espey, Bill Cass, Breanna Tarnawsky, Carl, Chris B Emrick, Chris Murphy, Cindy McGill, Companion Cube, Cory, Daisuke Goto, Daisy Trevino , Daniel Voisine, Daniel Weinstein, David Deshpande, Dean Skoglund, Edwin Rivas, Elizabeth Ann Ditz, Geidi Rodriguez, Gerardo Alfaro, Ivan Alexander, Jane Orbuch, JanetFromAnotherPlanet, Jason Buberel, Jeanne Sommer, Joao Ascensao, johanna reis, Johnnyonnyful, Joshua Murallon Robertson, Justin Bull, Kallie Moore, Karen Reynolds, Katherine Schick, Kendall Rasmussen, Kenia Villegas, Kristell Esquivel, KW, Kyle Fisher, Laurel Przybylski, Leonhardt Wille, Levi Cai, Louis O'Neill, Michael Mieczkowski, Michele Wong, monoirre, Nathan Padilla, Nathan Wright, Nicolette Ray, NoahCXXIII, Pamela Parker, PM Daeley, Ricardo Martinez, riceeater, Richard Shalumov, Rick Wong, Robert Amling, Robert Warner, Sayantan Dasgupta, Shelley Pearson Cranshaw, Shirley Washburn, Sonia Tanlimco, SueEllen McCann, Supernovabetty, Tea Torvinen, TierZoo, Titania Juang, Two Box Fish, WhatzGames, Willy Nursalim ---+ Follow KQED Science and Deep Look: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/deeplook Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kqedscience/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/kqedscience KQED Science on kqed.org: http://www.kqed.org/science Facebook Watch: https://www.facebook.com/DeepLookPBS/ ---+ About KQED KQED, an NPR and PBS affiliate in San Francisco, CA, serves Northern California and beyond with a public-supported alternative to commercial TV, Radio and web media. Funding for Deep Look is provided in part by PBS Digital Studios. Deep Look is a project of KQED Science, which is also supported by the National Science Foundation, the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, the Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation, the Vadasz Family Foundation, the Fuhs Family Foundation, Campaign 21 and the members of KQED. #peregrinefalcon #bird #deeplook


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