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Hey Deep Peeps,

A lot of hard work happens behind the scenes of each Deep Look episode, and we'd be lost without Gabriela Quirós. As our coordinating producer, she ensures our production schedule is running smoothly – when she's not also busy producing episodes.

Gabriela has been reporting on health for 25 years and has translated that passion into a series of Deep Look episodes about the insects that live off of us. We consider her our team's parasite expert, as she's created our videos about mosquito and tick bites, lice and bed bugs. (Watch more here.)

Have any questions about her career, process or sources of inspiration? Post them in the comments, and we'll try and include the answers in an upcoming profile about Gabriela!

In this photo, Gabriela and Deep Look cinematographer and lead producer Josh Cassidy film the inside of a corpse flower at the University of California Botanical Garden, in Berkeley, California for our episode about these foul-smelling blooms. (Photo Credit: Vanessa Handley, UC Botanical Garden director of research and collections)



Leonhardt Wille

When are you going to Oaxaca? Do you already have a schedule?

Deep Look

We are still raising funds to go to Oaxaca - our Goal is $2000 per month to make it happen. We are getting close!