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OK !!  We've got our next livestream for Patrons today - all about the filming of our new episode on California Turret Spiders!  It will be happening 4 - 4:30pm Pacific Time (PST) featuring Josh, Lauren and guest field assistant Masha!  

Link will be shared with Patrons here in a new post - stay tuned.

Don't worry, if you're not a patron yet, there's still time to join and participate. 😊



Bill Cass

I should be able to be there for most of it :)

Bill Cass

Unfortunately I can't make it to the livestream, but if Josh has time to answer questions I'd like to know more about what specific settings he uses while filming wildlife with macro lenses. Shutter speed, ISO, that kind of thing. I struggle with getting too narrow of a focal length when filming insects, so only a tiny slice of their thorax is in focus and I've found adjusting those settings helps, but I'd like to know more specifics. Thank you!