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Hey Deep Peeps,

This is Jenny Oh, one of Deep Look's producers. We promised to keep you up to date on what we're filming for next year, so here is another dispatch from the field.

I recently accompanied our lead producer and cinematographer, Josh Cassidy, on a shoot in Berkeley, CA. He's got a paws-itively cool video in the works about the science of dog noses.  One estimate is that their sniffers are 10,000-100,000 times more sensitive than our noses are. He's investigating with the help of Zinka, a remarkable search-and-rescue German Shepherd. And a very good dog.

We were joined by Zinka's K9 handler , Shay Cook; Masha Paramonova, the lab manager for the Jacobs Lab of Cognitive Biology, UC Berkeley ; and Teodros Hailye, our information designer and animator. Here's some snaps of us filming on location. Stay tuned for the video in February!

Josh (far left) gives instructions about his next shot to Shay (center right) and Masha (far right) on location.

Teodros holds a reflector to bounce some extra light on Masha, who's checking data gathered by a portable weather station.

Zinka's a natural star; she patiently sits -- with the help of Shay -- as Josh films her close-up.

With the help of a special GoPro dog harness, Zinka helped film some footage, too.



Bill Cass

Looks like it's gonna be a good one! Get a camera right up on that leathery nose, yesssss.