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We have a special behind-the-scenes video for Patrons today! Meet Teodros Hailye, the digital artist who creates the 3D models for our series' animations.

While the Deep Look team typically shoots 90+% of what you see in a final episode, sometimes there are processes or views we just can't get with the camera. Maybe the critter we are filming won't cooperate. Maybe we want to show something happening *inside* the animal or plant. Or the process we want to explain is just not accessible to the human eye. 

That's where animations come in. Teodros is a critical part of the team, to visualize complicated natural processes - like showing the intricate hook-filled mouth of a tick, or the invisible sonar of a bat.

In this video, Teodros walks through his process of making the animations for our newest episode, on Nudibranchs. These sly little sea slugs survive by stealing someone else's stingers, and we wanted to be able to take our audience inside the slug itself to explore how the animal uses these stingers to defend themselves.

What other questions to do you have for Teodros? What other Deep Look animations have you enjoyed? let us know in the comments below.

(And ICYMI yesterday's post - Want to take a deeper look at the nudibranch? Explore Teodros' 3D model with your mouse. You can also play and control our 3D animation used in our video of the sneaky sea slug.)


Behind-The-Scenes with Deep Look: Meet Teodros Hailye, our Creature Animator

We have a special behind-the-scenes video for you all today! Meet Teodros Hailye, our digital artist who creates 3D models for our series' animations. While the Deep Look team typically shoots 90+% of what you see in a final episode, sometimes there are processes or views we just can't get with the camera. Maybe the critter we are filming won't cooperate. Maybe we want to show something happening *inside* the animal or plant. Or the process we want to explain is just not accessible to the human eye.. Teodros is a critical part of the team, helping to visualize complicated natural processes - like showing the intricate hook-filled mouth of a tick, or the invisible sonar of a bat. In this video, Teodros walks through his process of making the animations for our newest episode, on Nudibranchs. Here's the episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLVfWKxtfow These sly little sea slugs survive by stealing someone else's stingers, and we wanted to be able to take our audience inside the slug itself to explore how the animal uses these stingers to defend themselves. ICYMI - Want to take a deeper look at the nudibranch? Come on over to Patreon to explore Teodros' 3D model in VR with your mouse: https://www.patreon.com/posts/explore-our-vr-20820629


Darron Perry Jr

What animal has taken the longest to animate?

Deep Look

That's a great question. Let me ask Teodros - Craig