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I hope everyone had a good and safe Halloween! Mine was uneventful as I've been hip deep in school projects and midterms! The big push is over and now things are gearing towards finals (already, you gotta be kidding me!) 

I've said this before but I'll just remind you all that you've been patrons long enough to start claiming those drawings! They should be detailed in the reward section. 

The monthly picture might be a little late but I will try to get on it sometime this week. 

My new computer is awesome and I love that I can use effects and paint brushes without my system crashing! I've invested in some pose and anatomy books, gotten some nifty tutorials, and I'm going to start work on a fan-comic before this year is out. 

That's that, time for me to get back to reading some lecture notes and errands! No rest for the wicked. 


(I'm also trying to compile a .zip folder of pieces I've worked on throughout the month, I know you've probably seen them all on tumblr, but I thought it might just be a little nifty thing as I'm going to start employing watermarks and such, so my patrons will get mark-less, uncropped versions of pieces)



Oooh must think!