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Hey gang! I'm here with July's pinup poll.

It's been a scorcher here in the States and I'm sure where most of you guys are livin' - and it's not even that deep into summer OTL. I know it's a long shot but lets hope the temperatures even out. If you've been working on finals, I hope you did well and if you're just working, I hope the workplace isn't too chaotic. It's been a steep learning curve with my job and it's been stressful but I was able to clear things up with my boss and lower my hours so I can keep working on art.

I'd like to know if you guys liked the idea of drawing ship smut for tier rewards instead of the sketches. With my schedule the way it is, it'll be more manageable working on a few full-fledged pieces instead of a bunch of quick sketches. It would be a ship per tier - so the five dollar tier would get one ship, ten would get two, and so on. Ships would be picked randomly from the comments (though I'll do my best to make sure everyone who suggests something gets their ship picked so there's no bias). Lemme know in the comments below how you feel about that.

Anyway, here's the poll. July is my birth month so I get a little bratty and typically make the poll all my favorite characters <w<;;;;;;;



I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again, I think ships is a great idea :P

Devan Suber

Ooh that could be fun