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Howdy gang, I hope the holiday season is treating you well! It can be a stressful time of year for sure with parties, gifts, travel, FINALS, the weather, and tying up loose ends before the year is over.

Patron requests are open! Patrons who've been supporting me for at least one month are welcome to send simple sketch requests till the 15th (this Sunday). Please keep in mind these are simple sketches, so please no complex poses or highly detailed designs. Sketches will be filled as soon as possible as I receive them. If you've just started supporting me or can't think of who to request, no worries - this is a reward I try to do monthly!

Requests can be commented below or sent to me via dm on the social platform of your choice.

Note: Seeing how this is a busy time of year, I humbly ask if any requests be of canon characters only, no ocs this month. It's busy for all of us and I try harder to get oc sketches as on point as possible and normally this isn't a problem but would appreciate getting just canon characters this month. Thank you for understanding OTL OTL OTL

Thank you, everyone, for your support, encouragement, and comments! I look forward to fulfilling your requests! 



Can I request some nsfw of Hephaestus from Housamo? :0


May I please request Yuna from Final Fantasy X sfw? Thank you


Could i request a sexy Shane from Stardew Valley. thanks scribey, youre like the best.


Connor of Detroit: Become Human, please. Hope you have a lovely holiday!


I’d really like one of the Valiant Tribe Members from Housamo https://housamo.wiki/Tribe_Member#transient0