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(Witchy Woman is a really good song from the Eagles, jsyk)

Couldn't draw some Dragon Age Halloween goodness without Morrigan! I was tempted to draw a spider on her shoulder, but Dragon Age has had enough spiders, I think, lol.

((Though personally I'm not afraid of spiders and I actually really like them, so Here Lies The Abyss was like 'seriously?' to me lmao whereas my younger sister wasn't as big a fan of that area.))




I'm petrified of spiders, but after doing quite a bit of research on them, I've actually grown to be a bit... dare I say, fond of them. I'll have a heart attack if one lands on me! But they serve a very important purpose and I certainly won't kill them.


My sister and my mother are both super sensitive and allergic to spider bites, so I learned really young how to go about clearing them out. They also live in an old house that is rampant with them during the summer time, though they're just wood or house spiders, nothing poisonous lol.