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Hey gang, just lettin' ya'll know that sketch requests are open for supporters who've been around for longer than one month! Keep in mind these are quick sketches and please refer to your tier reward for what you're entitled to request!

Requests can be commented below or dm'd via the social media of your choice. I fulfill sketches as soon as I can. Be aware I am likely going away between the 19th-23rd for an Easter dinner with some of my partner's extended family, which will be out of state so I won't be working on anything during those days.

The request window closes the 15th - if you have any questions please message me! 



Xaldin from Kingdom Hearts please :) there's not enough fan art of him.


Reinhardt would be amazing please!


A sexy sketch of Lincoln Clay from Mafia III would be rad. He's beefy and I love him and there's not enough art of him.


Some dick-out Jacob Seed, please. I was totally rooting for him in the poll haha