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Heya, just wanted to give you guys a little update.

Zine work is finished and been sent off to the hosts, all in all five pieces with three of them being set up almost comic book style.

Anyway, last week my kitty Navi went in to be spayed - it was a trying couple of days and a worrisome week before that because she had a series of lumps on her belly and we were afraid it was cancer. Luckily it was a rare affect from going into heat, her mammary glands swelled quite a bit (one being a large lump!) but we were assured the swelling would go down in a few weeks now she's been fixed. One of the glands, the largest one, had to be removed because it was obstructing the vet from performing the surgery. To make matters more sudden, Cal and I were denied financing options at the office (though we were told there were plenty of options for low income families and that getting approved was easy) so we had to ask family to help us pay or wouldn't be able to bring Navi home. Thanks to a lot of donations and recent commissions, Cal and will be able to pay back their mom for the money borrowed and not have to like go without eating till the second!

What does all this mean? Well nothing much but I wanted to let you guys know why I've been super quiet as I've been working double on getting kofi rewards and thank yous out and work on commissions.

I've obviously been so distracted I haven't even thought of who to put on next month's pinup poll? If you guys wanna shout out some suggestions, please feel free and I'll use an RNG to pick :D 


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