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Hey gang, I've set up the change in rewards - reintroducing the patron quick doodle requests. You can start sending in requests a month after you pledge and can requests doodles once a month. These are quick doodles, so please keep in mind that they may be really sketchy, have no color, or they might be like a colored sketch, whatever I feel makes the image complete to me. 

I've also changed the direction my large project comic will be going. It will be more modern fantasy meets science fiction based. I really love modern fantasy and sci-fi, so I thought to marry the two as best as I can. The characters I've mentioned will still be there but instead of an invading force of aliens, it will be displaced demons/monsters/cryptids/mythological beasts. Think D&D meets Mass Effect meets Fallout. It will still be heavily nsfw at times, featuring teratophilia/oviposition/and some heavy gore depending on the situation. This is my long-term sequential comic, so it's going to take a bit of time to have it all together but now that I've made these changes, I'm feeling better than ever about it.

Monsters Never Die, my explicit Overwatch fancomic, is also a go. I will be putting out a few polls at what ships you'd like to see. This will be an anthology of small comics featuring ships and monster lovin'. 

On a fluffier note, I have a non-sequential mini comic planned that's about a werewolf, his chubby and adorable boyfriend, and their day-to-day life. What if the person bitten and turned into a werewolf was excited?! What if they didn't have an existential crisis? What if they made fun of their boyfriend for one time eating that jerk? What if the werewolf's family were fun-loving, hard working farmers who also run a family store?
While it will have nsfw sections, it's suppose to be more upbeat that hopefully turns most werewolf romances we've seen before on its head. 

And another mini comic that will just be a giant kink fest, so enjoy! 

It's a lot planned right there but it's going to be spaced out @-@. I wanted to be transparent in my plans and give you guys a bit of detail what I've been thinking about these past couple months/year.


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