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Hey guys, it seems there's been a slew of bots making accounts just to rip off artwork. They 'pledge', get the artwork they want, and then disappear before they're charged or the payment doesn't go through. 

So, to kinda protect myself - I have to keep a close track of those that are bots vs you awesome peeps. Generally, a bot will have little to no information and pops up after I've posted something/or is only supporting me. It's frustrating because I hope to make this my primary income and would like to focus more on Patreon, but I can't do so if I have to make up the deficit with commissions (which ultimately pulls me away from comic/patreon work).

If I happen to delete you as a pledge please let me know and I'll fix it. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this might cause you and I hope you understand.

I'm going to give this about a day and or so just to see how the payments go through to make it less of a hassle for any of you. 



Wow, that's crazy! Sorry you have to deal with that. I never understood why they don't charge the pledge at the time of selecting whomever


Me neither! A lot of people have their art ripped off this way! Patreon does offer it as a beta service but you have to go and speak to their customer service. If this cycle of bot accounts keeps repeating, I'm going to be getting in touch just so I can prevent this.


Damn that's crazy :( Patreon should really be charging people right away after they pledge and maybe that would help stop this whole bot situation. Sorry you have to deal with this crap.