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Hi everyone!

First of all, happy new year! I hope 2018 has been wonderful for you and that 2019 is even better. Thanks for your continued support. Here's my final video of the year, I have been working on it for a while and am very excited about using these characters!

Secondly, due to some downtime with family over the holiday period, the video isn't quite finished yet -- So i've decided to do the same as last month and release an early version for Patrons. You can expect the full thing in the coming days. Tell me what you like or dislike, or what you'd hope to see during the missing middle segment! How do you think they go from the arena to the alley??

Have a safe New Year :D



Shermie Vs Joe Higashi



Add more brutality & some knees👌🏾


Dislikes: please trim her hair so I can see her eyes please, and include some low blows to the guy (groin strikes). Everything else I like very much! :)