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Hello everyone!

     First of all, i need to apologize to my Patrons. This month as a whole i was unable to work on Patreon rewards for the most part. I see this as a failing from my part. If anyone is curious i will now explain what happened.

     Ok, at the start of the month i took a week long vacations i have been saving since last year. I went to the south of the country with my family since they had a social club event in Puerto Vallarta and i just used the opportunity to travel for cheap.

    If you have been following my twitter you probably know what happened. Basically,  our travel agent dropped the ball hard and we didn't have our flights back home. Since we all needed to return we had to find a way home for work. So i ended up paying for everyone's ticket home on a bus ride. An 18 hour bus ride.

     Well, this means that my family at the moment owes me money, as well as i need a refund from the flights from the travel agent who is currently avoiding me at all costs. So i ended up with a really big bill to pay. I ended up taking a lot of small commission work and a short term job to gather the cash and pay the credit card before  the interest gets too high. All these tasks taken on short notice and on a small deadline have been taking most of my time in May.

     So, what will i be doing to catch up? Well, i am freeing my schedule to do nothing but Patreon rewards during the first week of June. Gonna try to catch up with all the requests i couldn't work on during May and the new  ones.

     I apologize, but this was a bit too much for me to handle due to the unforeseen circumstances.  At the moment i am still in debt due to the money i have not been able to recover from the travel agent but at least the interest from the bank will not be as big as i thought due to the  work i managed to pull. Something is something i guess.

Also, new comic page.

Thanks for understanding.



Arawn Nox

Glad you're doing better man. Was following that whole mess on Twitter. And wow, thats incredibly selfless of Ram. I knew I liked him. :)


Holy cow, I wasn't on twitter and had no idea! X_x Love the page, though... This is turning into a wierd but depressing bonding moment for those two....