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Hello everyone!

     Well, for those that don't follow my twitter. At the start of this month i suffered a very debilitating injury on my lumbar nerve that left me bed ridden for aproximately two weeks. By the time i got better it was already holidays and i found myself being unable to work on the two comic pages of the month.

    Now don't worry, remember that my patreon is set to only charge per page so nobody is getting any charges this december. I won't have income this month but i think i can manage by being careful with my expenses in january.

    Since no charges were made, i also feel the need to make it clear that i am not doing extra pages to "charge" in January. Basically, even if i try to catch up on my comic updates, i would only charge the first two pages made so don't worry about that either.

    I also want to remind everyone that previous patreon reward requests will still be done. But that starting this January, the new requests will have a time limit of a month to be asked for. If you make the request, don't worry about me taking a bit of time to do it. This mostly goes for people requesting their rewards several months after and creating a queue.

     Thanks for the support guys and i apologize for not updating the comic this month, i was seriously indisposed. I just hope i can manage my own expenses in an intelligent way this month. XD

Take care you all! ^^




Take your time, Aven. I sent my note on FA for November's a while back.


Thanks for the update good sir. Keep takin' care of your back and don't be afraid to ask for some dosh if you can't afford all your necessities this coming month. Be more than happy to help. Also have a happy new year!


I appreciate the gesture,but i do feel a bit bad if i have to beg. XD


Ah don't worry about it :P No one deserves having to worry about expenses for food, shelter or bills. Not insinuating you're that far up sh*t creek just yet though XD