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Hey friends, It's been a turbulent week for me, but I've got some updates for you!

Our Poll this month was a close one. Even though Patreon showed a tie between A and F because everyone's vote has a hidden value tied to their tier that patreon isn't smart enough to track, here are the actual results.

So our winning doodle is Cthulhu Slave Girl.

I have outlined the first five pages of Devout and included the rough sketches and refined sketch wips of selected pages. I'm aiming to show some more environments in this set, so I'll move next into painting the backgrounds and then the line work. Followed by the color flats, shading, and rendering. My estimate is in about a week or 2 for full delivery of the pages.

As I mentioned in the last post, I have started to work a part-time job, and as of now, I work about 24 hrs a week with that job. I've been streaming on Discord pretty much any day I haven't been working the new job, but It may take some time to stabilize to a new time-efficient schedule. Right now, I'm just aiming for deadlines at the end of the month, but please bear with me as I sort out the new work schedule.

Extra sketches may be in short supply, but we'll see if the creativity gods decide to bless me during these next few weeks like they did earlier with Devabog.

Thanks so much for all your support and your patience!



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