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"It was there she had sat, waisted and afraid in the embrace of that demoness with the skin full of stars. Smitten with grief and helplessness, a light filled her naked and broken body. The demoness fled to the foot of the geoid, and our sister looked up, not squinting an eye and drinking in the glory of the being.

I could then hear the voice of the late Saint. She told me to bear witness to the chaplet's confirmation to our blessed Sister Rachele.

Then, as if wisped away by some chariot of eyes, I saw that terrible host of blasphemous succubi. And a single, white-helmed woman stood before them. It was Sister Rachel; my prayers be stricken curses!

She is our Reverend Mother to the Order. I have seen it, shown to me by the Lord and whispered to me by the Spirit. You have only to behold her glory-burned countenance to know the truth for yourself."

~An excerpt from the testimony of Sister Cora concerning the rights of succession of then Sister Rachele Girard following the martyrdom of Saint Michaelanne.

It's been a while since I've uploaded a pinup this late. A thousand apologies! But here she is! I hope you all like her as much as these succubi do. And I threw in a groomed version for those who may prefer it.

Timelapes of this one are gonna be tricky to figure out but stay tuned for those who have that reward on the way.

I'm going out of town tomorrow and will be back by Thursday and will continue to work on commissions through the weekend, so keep an eye out in the wips channel for progress.

Thanks as always! Enjoy!



D Banks

so the order of futa

Action Bastard

Demons, futas, collars. 🔥