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Here's a quick rundown of what to expect in the near future!

Inner Demons chapter 3 is nearing completion and will wrap up Volume 1 of Cameron's story, After which we will revisit Johnathan and Cassandra in Devout chapter 2! The Convert will probably go for 2 or 3 more pages before shifting the short over to Wicked Hunter (That's right, I haven't forgotten)! There has been an outcry for Therapy Session to make a return and have a proper finale, so I will also work that in somewhere! I am also accepting commissions! Patrons receive a 20% discount. If you have questions, send me a DM!

Many of you have been with me for a long time, and I'd like to give back in a more commemorative way so you can have your marks on my work forever! I want to add a little patreon credit at the end of this chapter of Inner Demons with all Priestess level patrons listed, if that's all right. Likewise, anyone who upgrades to Priestess before the deadline will be credited. If you want to remain anonymous and DO NOT want your name credited, please message me, and I will exclude you from the credits. Let me know by August 30th, as I plan to publish the final pages on the 31st!

I'm also exploring options for opening a prints/merch shop (again)! Right now, I'm looking into Sharkrobot, and we have a few sfw, and nsfw pinups picked out for our test subjects! If all goes well, I'll announce some Spellbound merch!

And lastly, in September, I plan on taking a real vacation! I've been feeling a little burnt out and creatively bankrupt, so just a short break to recharge after this milestone in Inner Demons is completed, and I'll get back to the succubus corruption workflow that we all love so much!


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