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What a year! I don't think I can accurately state how crazy this year has been for the rest of the world. But we can take a few minutes to examine Spellbound in 2020. How far we've come, the shortcomings as well as the triumphs. And compared to last year, I feel pretty good about the state of Spellbound this last year. So let's get into it!

This year we saw 14 pages of Inner Demons uploaded as well as 31 individual pinup images. 

Last year, a goal was to rework the patreon rewards, So this year, I retired the $10 tier to make things a little more simple, and I felt I couldn't deliver proper rewards for those supporters.

Another adjustment that had to be made this year was my work schedule, as in 2019, my output was abysmal. I successfully secured a much more healthy work schedule for the patreon and have felt far less stress from work as a result. 

And finally, I wanted to post more lewds this year, which I tried to do monthly.

Overall, Spellbound saw an increase in consistent pledges from new patrons than the year previous, making it more apparent that Spellbound needs all my attention. This is why this year, in August, I announced my plans to shift my career to be a full-time artist. And as we advance into 2021, that remains the top priority.

Over the past 4 months since that announcement, I've made changes and upgrades to my workspace. I've moved in with family to save more money, I've built a new PC specifically designed for art design and production, and I've given my boss notice that I will be retiring from the warehouse business. For now, the tentative goal is to hopefully be transitioning to full-time art in about the second quarter of 2021.

Now to the goals for Spellbound. The consistency of the comic has been around 2 pages a month. I create them one page at a time and upload them before continuing to the next. This creates a visible inconsistency from page to page, and I would like to move to a more bulk upload approach. So in 2021, I'm going to adopt a page delivery method of uploading all pages I have completed that month. The hope is I can work on multiple pages at once instead of getting tunnel vision with one page. And I think it will make the reading experience far more enjoyable.

I've recently said that once Inner Demons ch2 is finished, I will be moving onto A Devout's Reward part 2. On top of that, I would like to create a PATRON ONLY comic that will be exclusively uploaded here and nowhere else. As luck would have it, we already have a comic that has been on hiatus for a long time, so I would like to start up Outer Demons this year as well.

The Pinups this past year have been my favorite pinups I've ever done. I've worked hard on trying new things and new ways to achieve certain looks, and I've learned a lot from doing them. I look forward to bringing more to you this year.

I want to bring even more rewards this year. With the plan of becoming a full-time artist, I want to open a print shop, draw more lewds, open a website, and stream more sessions. A lot needs to happen to make that, but we've come this far.

The future is bright for Spellbound! I never thought I would draw the things I love and have people actually like them! Your support means everything to me, and I wouldn't be the artist I am today without all your support, pushing me to become better and deliver the best smut I can give.

Thank you all so much, and I'll see you in the new year.


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